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over 1500 comics

By far, I am most well-known for my comics. Focusing anywhere from videos games to cartoons to real-life shenanigans, my comics have reached quite a large audience. Over the last 5 years, I have been able to keep up with a consistent posting schedule, providing my audience with new content every day.

A number of my comics have also been dubbed by voice actors on a wide array of social media, one example being this Breath of the Wild compilation with over a million views on YouTube.

Comics are my main passion, and I aim to ever improve.

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Epithet erased colorist

From September 2019 to January 2020 I worked on the web series Epithet Erased as a colorist. I worked to complete portraits and props to help bring the show to life. It was a completely remote experience, with team members from all over the globe.

I enjoyed my work so much on the show that I actually have done quite a few standalone pieces of my own to show my love. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget.

The entire first season can be watched for free on JelloApocalypse's YouTube channel. Here's a link to the playlist if you're looking for a fun time.

freelance art commissions

Starting as early as July 2016, I have been doing freelance art commissions online. I have been quite successful, serving over 90 clients over 130 different pieces of art, still continuing to this day.

I offer a number of different types of commissions, from linework that the customer can color in themselves, to full illustrations, to comics. I have recently been looking into Twitch and Discord emote commissions as well.

If you would like more information about my commissions, please check out my commission info page that lists all of my terms and conditions, as well as if they're currently open.

© 2023 by Odam Lviran. Proudly created with

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